by Christine | Nov 23, 2013 | Jail Information, Olympia, Thurston County, Washington Bail Bonds
The Bail Co. is pleased to announce that they are now fully licensed to write Bail Bonds in Thurston County, WA. When you need to get a loved one released from jail, The Bail Co. offer at-jail service, bail by phone, house calls and 24/7 service, 365 days a year. Want...
by Christine | Sep 6, 2013 | Press Releases, Washington Bail Bonds
The Bail Co. Bail Bonds now serving Olympia with 24/7 Bail Bonds Serving Olympia, Washington, The Bail Co. BailBonds continues to help people in need of surety or release bonds in Washington State. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ( September 6, 2013...
by Christine | Aug 25, 2013 | Olympia, Press Releases, Washington Bail Bonds
Here is a link to our opening press release. Thought we’re not officially open yet, the information is the same. We want to make sure everyone who needs our help will be able to find us online and in this case, in the news! The Bail Co. Now Serving Olympia,...
by Christine | Aug 25, 2013 | Washington Bail Bonds
A bail bond agent, or bondsman, is any person or corporation that will act as a surety and pledge money or property as bail for the appearance of persons accused in court. Although banks, insurance companies and other similar institutions are usually the sureties on...